Search and Smart Views (Legacy)
We recently released a new version of our lead filtering/search. The following guides are for our legacy search. If your UI does not match, please see this guide for the new filtering instructions.
Smart Views exist for proactive outreach to Leads matching specific criteria. They are saved searches and can be kept private, shared with your entire organization, or specific team members. All Smart Views are composed of search queries that dynamically impact which Leads appear in your Smart View.
Using Search and Smart Views, you can easily create a “list” of precisely the right Leads you need to reach out to at any given time and prioritize the list based on specific criteria, so you have the highest chance of reaching the right Leads at the right time. These lead lists are called Smart Views, and they are used to create workflows that you can easily access and share with your team.
Close Customers Say It Best: Search and Smart Views
"Search and smart views are top notch!"
-Pablo Pinto, Product Specialist,
One of the most powerful features of the Close sales platform is the ability to search all your Leads and Contacts to find ones that matter to you right now. Search can quickly find a Contact, identify which Leads need attention, build calling and emailing workflows for your sales team, and much more. The possibilities are endless.
Think of Search as building a powerful string of keywords to help users locate important lists of Leads and Contacts. Create search queries to find Leads that have been called twice, that are located in a specific city, or that were created on a certain date. Queries can be combined to create more powerful searches. If you’re not yet familiar with Close’s search, some keywords include:
- calls < 2 - show me leads that haven’t been called more than once.
- email_opened:yes - show me leads that have opened an email from me.
- last_email_direction:sent - show me leads that haven’t responded to my last email.
- "custom.favorite_color":green - show me people whose favorite color is green.
And, of course, any of our 100+ search keywords can be combined with “and”, “or”, and “not” operators.
- not lead_status:Customer - show me all leads that are not Customers.
- "custom.Lead Owner":Matt Bonde or "custom.Lead Owner":Whitney Herline - show me all leads assigned to Matt or Whitney.
- lead_status:Trial and "custom.favorite_color":green - show me all leads in a trial whose favorite color is also green.
Building Search Queries
There are two ways to build Search Queries. You can type directly into the top search bar or use the Narrow Your Results
sidebar (available when you click on the Leads link on the left-hand side) to add search syntax to the top search bar. Let's start with the sidebar because it's the easiest way to add in search queries and is a great way to browse available search keywords.
Using Narrow Your Results
Expand any keyword category, and use the drop-down to choose the search query you need. You can also add one query after another to build more advanced searches.
Simple example
Let's find all the leads that were never contacted (i.e., never called or emailed):
- Click on Narrow Your Results.
- Click the Emails filter.
- Check # Total number of emails.
- Select None as your filter.
- Now, click on Calls.
- Check # Total number of calls.
- Select None as your filter.
- The sidebar has been adding each filter to the top search box. You should see
emails:0 calls:0
Complex example
You want to follow up with leads who opened an email you sent seven days ago but never responded.
- Click on Narrow Your Results.
- Click the Emails filter.
- Under Find the latest Email where…, check Direction.
- Select is any of as your filter.
- Select Outgoing.
- Now, under Find the latest Email where…, check # Number of opens.
- Select Some from the drop-down (the lead has opened the latest email you sent).
- Under Find the latest Email where…, check Date.
- Select is not within as your filter.
- Select "the last 7 days".
- The sidebar has been adding each filter to the top search box. You should see last_email_direction in ("outgoing") last_email_opens_count > 0 not (last_outgoing_email_date < "7 days ago" last_outgoing_email_date < now)
Search Bar
Search queries can also be built by typing directly into the search bar. Here is an example of a quick way to find leads associated with an email address:
Smart Views
Smart Views are to Close what coffee is to a salesperson. You can get through your day without it, but why would you want to?
Smart Views are:
- Powerful and effortless
- Dynamic
- an excellent way to increase productivity
Smart Views are saved search queries that give you 1-click access to your favorite searches from anywhere in Close. Smart Views tell sales reps who to follow up with and when to follow up without the need to create endless tasks and reminders.
They allow you to translate your current calling and emailing workflows into queries that increase your sales team’s productivity and the amount of follow-up with your leads.
If an endless Task list and an Inbox full of reminders comes to mind when you think of follow-up - don’t panic! We will show you how to avoid the clutter and ultimately prioritize, streamline and automate your day to reach the right Leads faster using Smart Views in Close.
Build and Save a Smart View
Once you have your search query built by using Narrow Your Results or typing directly into the search bar - save the query as a unique Smart View by clicking the “Save as Smart View” button in the top-right.
Name your Smart View, choose who to share it with, and save it.
Re-order your saved Smart Views by clicking on the Smart View and dragging and dropping it into the desired order.
Edit or delete your saved Smart Views at any time by hovering your mouse over the name of the Smart View and clicking the pencil icon that appears.
Automate your workflow with Smart Views
Let’s talk about translating a sales process into Smart Views and automating your workflow. A typical day for a salesperson using Close might look something like this:
- Make contact with all new Leads that have not been touched.
- Follow-up with new Leads that you’ve reached out to but have not gotten ahold of yet.
- Start an email cadence on cold Leads you’ve tried to reach.
- Follow-up with warm Leads with action items and an Opportunity attached.
Example Calling Workflow
lead_status:"Potential" emails:0 calls:0
lead_status:”Potential” calls:1 latest_call_created >=“2 days ago" latest_call_duration < "30 seconds" emails:0
lead_status:”Potential” calls:2 latest_call_created >=“2 days ago" not call_duration > "30 seconds" emails:0
Example Email Sequence Workflow
lead_status:Potential calls:0 opportunities:0 latest_email_date > "30 days ago" not email_template:"Email Template #1"
lead_status:Potential calls:0 opportunities:0 email(direction:Sent template:"Email Template #1" sent > "3 days ago” has_reply:no) not email_template:"Email Template #2)"
lead_status:Potential opportunities:0 email(template:"Email Template #2" has_reply:no opened:yes date >="3 days ago")) not email_template:"Email Template #3"