Increase Call Connection Rates
Robocalls and spam labeling are major issues in today's communication landscape. Being flagged as spam leads to a decline in trust and response rates when an unidentified phone number is calling, which cut down on answer rates. Registering your phone number is a crucial step to reducing your chances of spam labeling, boosting your phone number's reputation, and ensuring your calls are correctly identified. This can be done with SHAKEN/STIR and Voice Integrity with Close.
SHAKEN/STIR and Voice Integrity do not apply to phone numbers outside of the United States. Registration is free.
To combat caller ID spoofing, the telecommunications industry has developed SHAKEN/STIR.
SHAKEN/STIR uses encrypted digital signatures to transmit caller information along the call path. This includes the caller's identity and whether they can use the phone number shown as the caller ID. Fraudsters are not trusted within this framework and face near-instant traceback by regulatory bodies.
When a phone number is registered with SHAKEN/STIR, the registration helps service providers determine how to handle incoming calls with the following outcomes:
- Allow the call to ring with a “Caller Verified” label
- Mark the call as “Potential Spam”
- Send the call to voicemail
- Block the call entirely
When sales teams register for SHAKEN/STIR via Close, they can dial their leads with confidence, knowing their calls can be directly associated with their registered business.
Voice Integrity
Due to consumer complaints about unwanted calls, major wireless providers use algorithms to block and label calls. These algorithms identify factors that may indicate an unwanted call.
Providers like AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile offer free services that block high-risk calls. Calls identified as "Scam," "Scam Likely," "Fraud Risk," or "Potential Fraud" can be labeled as spam or are blocked altogether. Voice Integrity allows you to remediate spam labels on your phone numbers and monitor their reputation.
Voice Integrity allows customers to register their phone numbers through Close to ensure they are not mislabeled as spam.
Being registered with Voice Integrity gives major phone providers the information they need to correct spam labels on your phone numbers, which in turn reduces the risk of being mislabeled as spam in the future and increases call answer rates.
Registering for SHAKEN/STIR and Voice Integrity
To register with SHAKEN/STIR, we'll need business information regarding your company, including your business legal name, business address, and business registration number. Please reach out to our Support Team to ask about registering your Organization.
If your Organization has successfully registered with A2P 10DLC, your phone numbers have already been registered with SHAKEN/STIR. In those cases, we can help you get registered with Voice Integrity.
Registering for Voice Integrity requires us to collect additional information from you:
- Use Case. Please pick one from here.
- Company Size (number of employees).
- Average Calls per day.
- Please provide additional info on your use case to share with analytic vendors. Be as descriptive as possible.
Send your responses to our Support Team and we can set up your Voice Integrity registration.
While SHAKEN/STIR should help with your connection rate, it does not make you immune from spam labeling. Registered numbers can still be flagged again if certain call patterns are detected as inconsistent with registered usage or if consumers file spam or fraud reports against you.
Not sure if your Close organization is already registered for these services? Have any other questions? Please write to our Support Team and we'd be happy to help.