Migration from API keys to OAuth

      Migration from API keys to OAuth

        Article summary

        Who Should Read This Article

        Please be aware that this article is intended for those who created Zaps powered by Close before June 22, 2023. If your Zaps were created after this date, the contents of this article will not be relevant to your situation.

        On the 22nd of June, 2023, we released a new version of our Zapier Close integration, where we implemented a new way of connecting your Zapier account to Close. Whereas previously you had to create and copy/paste API keys, now it's all handled by our new OAuth authentication, where you need to go through the authentication flow and allow Zapier to access your Close organization without creating or copying/pasting any keys. The new process is more secure, much simpler and easier to use.


        How can I tell I'm using the new version?

        Instead of entering your API keys, you'll go through the OAuth flow when selecting Account in your Zapier steps. See Authentication for more information on how this looks like in Zapier.

        The old Zapier steps will show the Close (1.2.4) version while the new OAuth steps will just show Close.

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        How can I upgrade my steps to newer version?

        This is not required yet as all the old/legacy steps will continue working without any changes, but you can open the Zapier step, and click on Update to update it to newest version. Make sure to update the Account connection settings as well.

        Zapier should retain all the configuration steps & fields as well during this update.

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        Why is there no connection available in my Close steps anymore?

        It's because you need to re-authenticate (re-connect) your Close account to Zapier using new OAuth flow within the Account tab on any Close Zapier step - it's a one-time thing. Once you do that, you'll be able to re-select it again in your Zapier steps. This is only the case for new Zapier steps. Old/existing Zapier steps can still use the old API-key based connection without issues.

        Why do I have 2 Close connections in my Zapier?

        If you have some Zaps that are using the old API-key version and some new Zaps that are using the new OAuth version, you'll have 2 Close connections in Zapier because they're not interchangeable.

        The new one will be located within your Zapier My Apps > All apps > Close, and the old one will be under My Apps > Custom integrations > Close (1.2.4).

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        Can I create new Zaps with API-key based version?

        No. All new Zapier steps (within new or existing Zaps) must use the new OAuth Zapier version.

        What will happen with old/existing Zaps?

        They will continue working as-is without any changes required on your end.

        What if I want to edit some of my old/existing Zaps?

        You can edit the old/existing Zaps (using the API-key version) without any issues, but you can't use the API-key version anymore for new Zapier steps.

        When will the old version stop working?

        The old version is still fully supported at the moment, and we're planning to support it until further notice. In other words, no migrations are required at this point, nor should you worry about your Zaps not working because you're not using the newest version.

        When the time comes, we'll mark the old API-key version as deprecated, and set a deprecation deadline sometime in the future (at least 3+ months in advance). At that time, you will get an email from Zapier to let you know that you need to upgrade all of your Zaps by a specific date.

        Authentication (Account tab in Zapier)

        Take a look at how it all looks like in Zapier whether you're still using the old version, or you've already started running Zaps on a new version.

        Old version (using API keys)

        This method of authentication is NOT available anymore for new Zaps.

        Step 1

        Once you select your trigger or action in Zapier, go to the Account tab and press Sign in.

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        Step 2

        New window will pop up where it asks you to enter your Close API key.

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        Step 3

        Go to your Close account > Settings > API Keys, generate a new key as explained here, and copy/paste it back into Zapier and press Yes, Continue to Close.

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        and you should be all set.

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        New version (using OAuth)

        This is the default way of authentication for all new Zaps.

        Step 1

        Once you select your trigger or action in Zapier, go to the Account tab and press Sign in.

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        Step 2

        New window will pop up where it asks you to allow Zapier to access your Close organization:

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        Click Allow and you should be all set:

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