HubSpot to Close

      HubSpot to Close

        Article Summary

        Close and HubSpot Integration

        Integrating your Close and HubSpot databases can help streamline your data management and ensure that your sales and marketing teams have access to the most up-to-date information. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the Close and HubSpot integration, including what it can and can't do, how to set it up, and troubleshooting tips.

        What the Integration Can and Can't Do

        The integration was created and is managed by HubSpot, and it allows you to sync Close and HubSpot data. It supports the synchronization of Leads (Companies in HubSpot), Contacts, and Opportunities (Deals in HubSpot) data, but it does not sync Activities data such as call logs, status changes, SMSes, meetings, etc. Additionally, other Close objects such as Tasks, Notes, Custom Objects, and Custom Activities are not supported.

        The integration is free, but you need an active Close and HubSpot account.

        HubSpot App MarketPlace

        You must be a super admin or have App Marketplace permissions in your HubSpot account to set it up.

        Syncing Only the Data You Want

        With the Close and HubSpot integration, you can choose which objects to sync, including Leads, Contacts, and/or Opportunities. You can also select the sync direction for each object and choose which fields to sync. You can have multiple Close accounts synced to your HubSpot account, and you can use lists in HubSpot and filters in Close to select a specific subset of data to sync.

        By default, HubSpot will only sync contacts that have a valid email address. During the initial sync, HubSpot will compare both databases and update existing records when a match is detected. The matching process compares contacts' email addresses, and company names.

        Default Field Mappings

        The Close and HubSpot integration includes pre-set default field mappings to make set-up quick and easy. These mappings can be disabled or edited if you have the Operations Hub Starter plan or higher.

        HubSpot will automatically assign a "Life-cycle stage" to Leads based on pre-defined criteria, and you can define a fixed stage for a Lead coming from Close.

        Note that the Lead Status property in HubSpot describes the sub-stages within a Sales Qualified Lead lifecycle stage.

        These two data points function as Close's Lead Statuses, but they don't match perfectly, so Lead Statuses in Close will only sync one-way to a custom property in HubSpot called "Lead Status Close".

        Custom Field Mappings

        Custom field mappings provide greater flexibility and allow you to create your own mappings or modify the default ones.

        Operations Hub

        Custom field mappings are only available with the Operations Hub Starter plan or higher.

        The following field types allow for two-way sync:

        • Number
        • Date picker
        • Datetime
        • Single checkbox
        • In most cases, the same is true for dropdown select, radio select, or owner fields.

        Additionally, the following HubSpot property types can be mapped one-way as text to Close's text-type fields:

        • Number
        • Date picker
        • Datetime
        • Single checkbox
        • Multiple checkbox
        • Dropdown select
        • Radio select
        • Calculation (number)
        • Score (number)

        Object Association

        The HubSpot integration attempts to maintain the same associations between records, such as Companies associated with Contacts or Deals associated with Companies, when syncing with Close.

        However, associated records will only be created if there is a sync running for that same object. For example, if you have only a Contact sync but no Company sync, the associated Company will not be kept in sync.

        This is a common cause of error, as in Close, a Contact cannot exist without the associated Lead. To fix this, you can create an associated HubSpot Company for every HubSpot Contact using a workflow, as shown in this video.

        Multiple associations

        If a record has multiple Company associations, only the primary company will be synced (a Contact in HubSpot can be associated with multiple Companies).

        Resync Deleted Data

        If you have deleted records in either HubSpot or in Close, you can resync deleted records to recreate them in either app. To do this, follow these steps:

        1. In your HubSpot account, click the Marketplace icon in the main navigation bar.
        2. Under Manage, select Connected apps.
        3. Click Close.
        4. In the Failing column, click the number of records that have failed to sync.
        5. Select Resync from the list of options.
        6. Note that resyncing deleted data will not restore any history or metadata for the deleted records.

        Common errors

        1 - Name

        HubSpot has separate contact properties for First Name and Last Name. Since Close only has one data point (full name) for the contact’s name, the data sync will consider the first word of the full name as the First Name in HubSpot, and anything that comes after the first space will sync to the Last Name property.

        Please note: field mappings for both the First Name and Last Name properties must be turned on for the contact's name to correctly sync between HubSpot and Close.

        2 - Lead Owner

        Object record owners (e.g., Lead Owner fields in Close) are synced using the Email Address property. If there is no email address, HubSpot will use the Name field for these owners. Record owners must be set up as users in both HubSpot and Close for data sync to work. If a user exists in one app and not the other, data will not sync. If you have a paid Operations Hub subscription, you can map the Owner field in Close to any custom HubSpot user property.

        3 - Address

        HubSpot structures the Street Address property as a single line text property, and the Country/Region property as a dropdown select property. HubSpot will only map correctly if the address field is correctly identified in Close in their default fields.

        4 - Phone Numbers

        Close can store multiple values for phone numbers under different labels. For example, phone numbers can have multiple labels such as "Office", "Home", "Direct", "Fax", and "Mobile".

        In contrast, HubSpot has the following three default contact properties: Phone Number, Mobile Phone Number, and Fax Number. If a record is created in HubSpot by Close, the phone number that is listed first in Close will sync to the Phone Number property in HubSpot. Any additional phone numbers will not be synced unless they are labeled as Mobile or Fax. In that case, they will sync to the Mobile Phone Number and Fax Number properties respectively.


        In conclusion, the integration between Close and HubSpot allows you to sync data between the two CRM databases and customize the fields and data you want to sync. However, it's important to note that the integration does not sync all data and objects and has limitations with certain fields. Nevertheless, the integration is a useful tool for keeping your data organized and up-to-date.

        Useful Links

        HubSpot>Close Data Sync
        Connect and Use Hubspot Data Sync
        Understand Your Data Sync Field Mappings
        Sync HubSpot Contacts to Other Apps
        Use Lifecycle Stages

        What's Next